



I'm new to lisp and I am simply trying to have two functions called at once if a conditional returns true.

  ((equals (first expression) "+")
   (function1 parameter)
   (function2 parameter)))

In the above code, I just want function1 and function2 to be called. Any thoughts?


Yes, progn like this:

  ((equals (first expression) "+")
     (function1 paramter)
     (function2 parameter))))

cond takes one expression to evaluate if true. In this use progn (with its arguments) is that one expression. progn, subsequently take n expressions and evaluates them.

Doug Harris
But but but...`cond` provides an implicit `progn` in every branch, so the use of `progn` here is superfluous. Well, I'm talking about Common Lisp, anyway. Who knows about other dialects of Lisp. :-P
Chris Jester-Young
The body of a COND expression is wrapped in an implicit PROGN, so there is no need to explicitly provide one.
+4  A: 

Common Lisp

  • EQUALS does not exist, EQUAL does

  • COND already does what you want

COND allows several calls after the test:

(cond ((equal (first expression) "+")
       (do-something ...)
       (do-something-more ...)))
Rainer Joswig