



I would like to add a subtle and quick fadeOut and FadeIn effect to a button change through switchClass.


The effect used by default is a slideLeft.

If I would use standard jQuery, I would like to put an effect on addClass and removeClass, but is that possible?


Is something like


what you're looking for?

Matt Ball
ah, can you just chain up the effects, that's nice. the a#btnPause is a button, I think it will not be good to have it dissapear, since then the other buttons (which are also there) would move. Still I think your solution is great when I fadeout to opacity 0.01.thanks!
I don't think fadeOut will cause the surrounding elements to shift because it's only setting the opacity to zero - it's not actually hiding the element (via `display: hide`). Is this correct?
Matt Ball
I thought a fadeout ends with a display:noneI'm gonna do some tests :)
You're entirely right! I missed that in the docs the first time through. Sorry! On the other hand, you can still fadeTo 0 (rather than 0.01) which won't hide the element.
Matt Ball