



In modern web browsers we can work with multiple contents in parallel by using tab containers. It took me quite some time to mimic a similar behavior within a webpage of a web-app by using a library called Struts Menu. The solution as far as I understand is basically a combination of using CSS with calling JSP pages.

I was wondering if there are other/easier options to render html content depending on the state of a tab select box in top of the page?

  • Do you have ideas and/or examples for implementing a tab container with JSP?

  • Do you have ideas and/or examples for implementing a tab container with Dojo/Ajax?

  • Do you have ideas and/or examples for implementing a tab container with Rails?


use JQUERY framework

indeed via the JQuery docs I found this article:
means you are searching for very secure implementation ...
Why would someone down vote this? The JQuery UI or JQuery Tools framework is an excellent solution for tabs. For a site that is only looking to use javascript in a plug and play manner, JQuery may be beter suited and its more lightweight.
I din't find any proper reason why this answer was down voted ..
infant programmer
At a guess I would say that this answer was voted down because it didn't really try to answer the question: the author of the original question specifically mentioned Dojo; the "use JQuery" answer doesn't indicate how to use JQuery to implement tabs; most AJAX frameworks provide a tab widget - would you down vote the answer if it said "use YUI framework" or "use MooTools framework"?
+1  A: 

You can use dojo's dijit TabContainer. Some examples and documentation here


As Ivan said, Dojo's Dijit TabContainer does just that.

Lee Fogel