



After reading confused about onclick event on noscript tag.

Anybody knows the purpose?

If there is no purpose, why the hell they keep it?

Thanks for any answers in advance.

+3  A: 

The DOM 0 events are inherited by most html elements, I just don't think they did anything to prevent noscript from inheriting those, and those would be useless indeed. I would not recommend using w3schools as a reference exactly for this purpose, because it does incorporate bad practices and sometimes the information is inaccurate, unclear and/or confusing.

the #events it owns:

<!ENTITY % events
 "onclick     %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a pointer button was clicked --
  ondblclick  %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a pointer button was double clicked--
  onmousedown %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a pointer button was pressed down --
  onmouseup   %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a pointer button was released --
  onmouseover %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a pointer was moved onto --
  onmousemove %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a pointer was moved within --
  onmouseout  %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a pointer was moved away --
  onkeypress  %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a key was pressed and released --
  onkeydown   %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a key was pressed down --
  onkeyup     %Script;       #IMPLIED  -- a key was released --"
What part of the information from w3schools incorporates bad practices, is inaccurate, unclear and/or confusing in this particular case?
+2  A: 

I suspect the standards committee just failed to add noscript to the list of tags that don't accept standard events such as onclick -- base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta, param, script, style, and title.

Alex Martelli
+6  A: 

Quoting from the W3Schools link you provided:

"According to the W3C standard, the <noscript> tag supports event attributes. However, since the noscript element is used to provide an alternate content for users that have disabled scripts, we cannot see any use for this." --

This applies not just to onclick but also to ondblclick, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, onkeydown, onkeypress and onkeyup.
