Hi, I am building a desktop app in Visual C# 2.0 that can send sms through way2sms.com. anyone of you ve tried such thing...? please help.
Never used way2sms. I used clickatell. It works great even on webservers.
2009-10-19 20:49:29
This isn't a solution to the problem outlined, and would probably have been better as a comment rather than an answer.
2009-10-20 11:01:46
The question was "such thing". So I find this still relevant to the question asked.
2009-10-21 11:50:43
This link has a solution
We can pass parameters to the url provided with the help of a WebRequest class. I did it with following lines
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create("_http://www.aswinanand.com/sendsms.php?uid=" + this.txtUserID.Text + "&pwd=" + this.txtPassword.Text + "&phone=" + this.txtToMobileNo.Text + "&msg=" + this.txtMessage.Text);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); return reader.ReadToEnd();
there is another tool implemented in java available at http://way2sms.codeplex.com/, which i am implementing in C# now.
2009-10-20 10:49:35