Duplicate of (amongst others)
- Generate thumbnail of pdf document
- How to show thumbnail of pdf in listview C#.net?
- how to place thumbnail of pdf in listview
- develop an application similar to windows explorer
Please help to generate thumbnail image for pdf in c#.
private void Treeview1_AfterSelect(System.Object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)
string strNode;
strNode = ((TreeView)sender).SelectedNode.FullPath;
ImgPath = strNode;
//pictureBox4.Image = null;
string strnode = e.Node.FullPath.ToString();
int idx = strnode.IndexOf("\\");
if (idx > 1)
// show list of favorites in this folder
if (Treeview1.SelectedNode == null)
//m_newFolderCommand.Enabled = False
//m_newFolderCommand.Enabled = True
strfinalpath = ((TreeView)sender).SelectedNode.FullPath;
// Need to check to see if this folder needs subfolder reading...
if (Treeview1.SelectedNode.Nodes.Count == 1)
// It does, so remove the placeholder folder.
// Now populate the nodes with the subfolders.
AddFolders(Treeview1.SelectedNode, Treeview1.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
if ((Treeview1.SelectedNode.Text != "Loading..."))
if (Treeview1.SelectedNode.Text == frmSettings.strDirPath.ToString())
folder = strfinalpath;
TreeListViewDragDrop.Search.strfilepath = null;
TreeListViewDragDrop.Search.intDeciCnt = 0;
if ((Treeview1.SelectedNode.Text != strAppPath))
folder = Treeview1.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString();
TreeListViewDragDrop.Search.strfilepath = null;
TreeListViewDragDrop.Search.intDeciCnt = 0;
if (ListView1.Items.Count > 0)
ImageList imageList = new ImageList();
if (folder != null && System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder))
string[] arrImageName=new string[1000];
int Count = 0;
string CutName;
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@folder);
foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles())
string strSplit;
strSplit = file.FullName;
string[] ClickImg = strSplit.Split('.');
string strPDFpath = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Lenin\\My Documents\\pdf.jpg";
if (ClickImg[1] == "pdf") //if (ClickImg[1] == "pptx")
ShellThumbnail shellThumbnail = new ShellThumbnail();
Bitmap bmp = shellThumbnail.GetThumbnail(@file.FullName);
bmp.Save(@folder +"\\"+ "Test.bmp");
////imageList.ImageSize = new Size(140, 140);
////imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
////Image image = (Image)bit;
//////Image img1 = Image.FromFile(strPDFpath);
////CutName = file.FullName;
////CutName = CutName.Replace(folder, "");
////CutName = CutName.Replace("\\", "");
////arrImageName[Count] = CutName;
////imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, image));
//////imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, img1));
////Count = Count + 1;
//imageList.ImageSize = new Size(140, 140);
//imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
//Image img1 = Image.FromFile(strPDFpath);
//CutName = file.FullName;
//CutName = CutName.Replace(folder, "");
//CutName = CutName.Replace("\\", "");
//arrImageName[Count] = CutName;
//imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, img1));
//Count = Count + 1;
imageList.ImageSize = new Size(140, 140);
imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
Image img1 = Image.FromFile(file.FullName);
CutName = file.FullName;
CutName = CutName.Replace(folder, "");
CutName = CutName.Replace("\\", "");
arrImageName[Count] = CutName;
imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, img1));
Count = Count + 1;
Console.WriteLine("This is not an image or pdf file.");
for (int j = 0; j < imageList.Images.Count; j++)
this.ListView1.Items.Add((j + 1) + "/" + imageList.Images.Count + " " + "\r\n" + arrImageName[j]);
this.ListView1.Items[j].ImageIndex = j;
this.ListView1.View = View.LargeIcon;
this.ListView1.LargeImageList = imageList;
catch (Exception ex)
Im able to generate thumbnail for image as below
private Image FormatImage(int width, Image img)
Image thumb = new Bitmap(width, width);
Image tmp = null;
if (img.Width < width && img.Height < width)
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumb))
int xoffset = (int)((width - img.Width) / 2);
int yoffset = (int)((width - img.Height) / 2);
g.DrawImage(img, xoffset, yoffset, img.Width, img.Height);
Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort myCallback = new
if (img.Width == img.Height)
thumb = img.GetThumbnailImage(
width, width,
myCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
int k = 0;
int xoffset = 0;
int yoffset = 0;
if (img.Width < img.Height)
k = (int)(width * img.Width / img.Height);
tmp = img.GetThumbnailImage(k, width, myCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
xoffset = (int)((width - k) / 2);
if (img.Width > img.Height)
k = (int)(width * img.Height / img.Width);
tmp = img.GetThumbnailImage(width, k, myCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
yoffset = (int)((width - k) / 2);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumb))
g.DrawImage(tmp, xoffset, yoffset, tmp.Width, tmp.Height);
// Pen p1 = new Pen(Color.Red);
//g.DrawLine(p1, 0, 30, 40, 50);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumb))
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, thumb.Width - 1, thumb.Height - 1);
return thumb;
private void InitializeListView()
// Set the view to show details.
ListView1.View = View.Details;
// Allow the user to edit item text.
ListView1.LabelEdit = true;
// Allow the user to rearrange columns.
ListView1.AllowColumnReorder = true;
// Select the item and subitems when selection is made.
ListView1.FullRowSelect = true;
// Display grid lines.
ListView1.GridLines= true;
// Sort the items in the list in ascending order.
// ListView1.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending;
// Attach Subitems to the ListView
ListView1.Columns.Add("Title", 300, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
ListView1.Columns.Add("ID", 70, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
ListView1.Columns.Add("Price", 70, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
ListView1.Columns.Add("Publi-Date", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
// The ListViewItemSorter property allows you to specify the
// object that performs the sorting of items in the ListView.
// You can use the ListViewItemSorter property in combination
// with the Sort method to perform custom sorting.
//_lvwItemComparer = new ListViewItemComparer();
//this.listView1.ListViewItemSorter = _lvwItemComparer;
public bool ThumbnailCallback()
return true;
But im struck up at a point where i have to read the first page of pdf and generate thumbnail image.
if (ClickImg[1] == "pdf") //if (ClickImg[1] == "pptx")
ShellThumbnail shellThumbnail = new ShellThumbnail();
Bitmap bmp = shellThumbnail.GetThumbnail(@file.FullName);
bmp.Save(@folder +"\\"+ "Test.bmp");
////imageList.ImageSize = new Size(140, 140);
////imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
////Image image = (Image)bit;
//////Image img1 = Image.FromFile(strPDFpath);
////CutName = file.FullName;
////CutName = CutName.Replace(folder, "");
////CutName = CutName.Replace("\\", "");
////arrImageName[Count] = CutName;
////imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, image));
//////imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, img1));
////Count = Count + 1;
//imageList.ImageSize = new Size(140, 140);
//imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
//Image img1 = Image.FromFile(strPDFpath);
//CutName = file.FullName;
//CutName = CutName.Replace(folder, "");
//CutName = CutName.Replace("\\", "");
//arrImageName[Count] = CutName;
//imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, img1));
//Count = Count + 1;
imageList.ImageSize = new Size(140, 140);
imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
Image img1 = Image.FromFile(file.FullName);
CutName = file.FullName;
CutName = CutName.Replace(folder, "");
CutName = CutName.Replace("\\", "");
arrImageName[Count] = CutName;
imageList.Images.Add(FormatImage(imageList.ImageSize.Width, img1));
Count = Count + 1;
Any help.Thanks in advance.