



Can you always structure a recursive function for tail-call elimination? If not, what are other strategies to limit the stack size?

For example: (inspired by

// Depth-first search of labyrinth, with large depth > stacklimit
def search ( labyrinth: SearchDomain,
             path: List[SolutionNode],
             goal: DesiredResult ) = {

  if ( path.head == goal ) return path

  candidates: List[SolutionNode] = labyrinth.childNodes(path)

  candidates.find { c =>
    Nil != search( labyrinth, c :: path, goal ) // potential boom!
  } match {
    case Some(c) => c :: path
    case None => Nil

The goal is not to nit-pick this particular function, but to use it as a prop to learn techniques to limit stack-size.


My take-away from this is:

If the problem domain is such that recursion may hit limitation of stack-size:

Rewrite the code to be the scala-compiler-version-of-tailcall-optimizable. This can be aided/verified by the new (2.8) @scala.annotation.tailrec annotation.

If that is not feasible, rewrite it to use iterative looping constructs.

I'm also getting the sense that this rewriting (either case) is something that takes a certain amount of skill/talent/smarts/practice.

+1  A: 

All recursive functions can't expressed as a tail recursions, I think.

However you can express all recursive functions as iterative processes.

Juha Syrjälä
+1  A: 

There are two cases to consider here. In the general case, are there some recursive functions that can't be expressed as tail calls? [UPDATE] As pointed out in another answer, there are not.

However, in the specific case of scala, there are some tail recursive functions that cannot be optimized to run in a tail recursive manner (meaning that they reuse stack frames.) This is mostly due to the limitations of the JVM I believe.

see previous question for more details about how this works.

Peter Recore
+6  A: 

All recursive functions can be expressed as an iterative process, and all iterative processes can be expressed as tail-recursion, so yes, strictly speaking, you can transform any recursive algorithm into a tail-recursive one. However, don't don't assume that this will actually save you space. In many cases the record-keeping done by the stack is necessary, and you'll end up needing to essentially emulate the stack in your iterative or tail-recursive version. This can still be useful, say when you've got a small stack but a large heap.

Laurence Gonsalves
+2  A: 

You should accept Laurence Gonsalves answer, but, as for the code:

// Depth-first search of labyrinth, with large depth > stacklimit
def search ( labyrinth: SearchDomain,
             path: List[SolutionNode],
             goal: DesiredResult ) = {
  if ( path.head == goal ) return path

  candidates: List[SolutionNode] = labyrinth.childNodes(path)

  candidates.find { c =>
    Nil != search( labyrinth, c :: path, goal ) // potential boom!
  } match {
    case Some(c) => c :: path
    case None => Nil


// Depth-first search of labyrinth
def search ( labyrinth: SearchDomain,
             path: List[SolutionNode],
             goal: DesiredResult ) = {
  def recurse( candidates: List[List[SolutionNode]],
               path: List[SolutionNode] ) = candidates match {
    case List(Nil) => Nil
    case Nil :: tail => recurse(tail, path.tail)
    case (nextCandidate :: otherCandidates) :: tail => 
      if (nextCandidate == goal)
        nextCandidate :: path
        recurse(labyrinth.childNodes(nextCandidate :: path) :: otherCandidates,
                nextCandidate :: path)

  if ( path.head == goal ) 
    recurse(labyrinth.childNodes(path), path)
To be clear *Daniel* - are you pointing out how the OP should re-write his method for it to be tail-recursive, or you are suggesting that the `scalac` compiler will perform this optimization for him?
The Scala compiler can't do this sort of optimization, because the result may not always have the same semantics as the original (due to side-effects). It works fine in this case, but not necessarily in general.
Daniel Spiewak
Thanks for the example!
Mitch Blevins
To be clear, it is an example of how to rewrite it to be tail-recursive. Note that the recursion stack became explicit in the candidates variable, as passed through each recurse invokation. On the other hand, since the function is local (in fact, a closure), I treat labyrinth and goal as "globals", and avoid repeating them on the stack.