




i created a small tool in windows application using (.net language C#). i created setup for my tool and also when we click on minimize button it will be in system tray. My requirement is i want to place my tool in start up (start>All Programs>Start up) when i start my system automatically my tool is open this is my requirement please help me thank you.


Just put the EXE you want to run to the correct startup folder. Username is the logged on user. Run cmd, then type echo %username% to find your username.

Windows Vista

c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Windows XP/2000

c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Windows NT 4

c:\Winnt\Profiles\[username]\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Windows 95/98/ME

c:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
I have a small doubt brother Rossfabricant what is the meaning of [username] what i have to write there can u explain me thank u please reply
Surya sasidhar
copy means copy the setup in to the folder reply please
Surya sasidhar
thank u it is working mr.rossfabricant
Surya sasidhar

The cleaner way is to copy the exe to the following location


The only reason I recommend using this Method instead of hardcoding the value , is because the paths can change and trying to pre-empt ever every users move is a waste of time.Should just mention that the method above still returns the same folders as the first answer

+1  A: 

go to solution explorer and select the setup folder what u created select any file (project setup) and u can see the two splited windows one is Files system on Target Machine right click on empty space u can get 'add special folder >> user's startup Folder' and u can get a folder then right click and add project output thats all.

Surya sasidhar
thank u mr.sasidhr
Surya sasidhar