



I've been working on trying to fix an issue with print CSS and IE where things would disappear when printing in landscape mode.

It appears the issue is that the element I'm trying to print (a large DIV with content inside it) spans two pages when put into landscape mode. What is happening is when the element spans two pages, the first page is blank, and the second page is printing what would normally be left over from the first page.

I think it's related to contained floats:

wrapper div floated div1 floated div2

If I set the two nested divs to float: none in the print CSS file, then IE will print them, albeit not in the layout we'd like.

Before I spend another hour on this, anyone know what, specifically, is the issue here and if there's a known workaround?


It seems to be a problem with tables, but it may just be the nesting, but it is an IE bug. Still trying to work around the problem myself.
