In LINQ, is it possible to have conditional orderby sort order (ascending vs. descending).
Something like this (not valid code):
bool flag;
(from w in widgets
where w.Name.Contains("xyz")
orderby w.Id (flag ? ascending : descending)
select w)
In LINQ, is it possible to have conditional orderby sort order (ascending vs. descending).
Something like this (not valid code):
bool flag;
(from w in widgets
where w.Name.Contains("xyz")
orderby w.Id (flag ? ascending : descending)
select w)
If you build the expression incrementally you can do this. Generally easier using expressions rather than comprehension expressions:
var x = widgets.Where(w => w.Name.Conatins("xyz"));
if (flag) {
x = x.OrderBy(w =>;
} else {
x = x.OrderByDescending(w =>;
(Assuming the Widget's property
is basis of sort since you don't list one.)
You can define a base query without the ordering, then order according to the flag:
var query=(from w in widgets
where w.Name.Contains("xyz")
select w);
var result = flag ?
query.OrderBy(w =>w) :
query.OrderByDescending(w = w);
You could try something like the following:
var q = from i in list
where i.Name = "name"
select i;
q = q.OrderBy(o=>o.Name);
q = q.OrderByDescending(o=>o.Name);