Is possible to increase a lot this kind of operation.
To turn this operation usefull (I mean fast and pretty safe), u can use CE DataAdapter.
By sample, no care about keys, the steps listed bellow can help u:
1.- Make sure that sorce and target tables have same fields structure;
2.- Clone a virtual datatable with a datatable from source database (your select);
3.- Create a CE command with the table name as commandtext (TableDirect as commandtype);
4.- Create a CE dataadapter from CE command;
4.- Create a CE commandbuilder from CE dataatapter;
5.- Pass the Insert command from CE commandbuilder to CE dataadapter;
6.- Copy "n" batch rows from your source datatable to the target datatable (the clone), doing something like this:
'... previous codes
For Each currentRow In sourceTable.Rows
'u can do RaiseEvent Processing(currentRow, totalRows) here with DoEvents
If targetTable.Rows.Count < 100 Then
targetTable.Rows(targetTable.Rows.Count - 1).SetAdded
'...Here you wll call the CE DataAdapter's Update method (da.Update(targetTable))
'...and then be sure you clone the targetTable again, erasing all previous rows.
'...Do a clone again, don't do just a "clear" in the Rows collection.
'...If u have an Autoincrement it will break all Foreign Keys.
End If
'... next codes
With this way u can update several rows with no much time.
I've some applications using this method and the average rate is about 1500 rows per second in a table with 5 NTEXT fields (slow) and 800000 rows.
Of course, all depends of your table's structure. IMAGE and NTEXT are both slow datatypes.
P.S.: As I said, this method don't care so much about keys, so be carefull.