To answer your comment (you might want to start a new question for this): identifiers should probably be stored in a qi::symbols-derived class and keywords would be in your other qi::rules.
As for 2) this would be something like this (not tested):
class ScriptNodes
//this will enable fusion_adapt_struct to access your private members
template < typename, int>
friend struct boost::fusion::extension::struct_member;
typdef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<UserFuncNode> > Nodes
Nodes nodes;
//when using fusion_adapt_struct, try to typedef any type that contain a ,
//since it will confuse the macro (ex std::pair<int, int>)
(ScriptNodes::Nodes, nodes)
using boost::spirit::qi::grammar;
using boost::spirit::ascii::space_type;
template <typename Iterator>
struct NodeGrammar: public grammar<Iterator, ScriptNodes(), space_type>
NodeGrammar: NodeGrammar::base_type(start)
using namespace boost::spirit::arg_names;
using boost::spirit::arg_names::_1;
//the %= should automatically store the user_func nodes in start
//for more complex rules you might need to do the push_back manually
//using phoenix::push_back
start %= *user_func >> eps;
//this should parse a double and create a new UserFuncNode with the
//parsed argument and the result will be assigned in the shared_ptr
//variable stored in a user_func
user_func = double_[_val = new UserFuncNode(_1)];
using boost::spirit::qi::rule;
using boost::shared_ptr;
rule<Iterator, ScriptNodes(), space_type> start;
rule<Iterator, shared_ptr<UserFuncNode>(), space_type> user_func;
I could probably expend more if you need but you should probably start a new question if you got specific issues so other people can help too as I'm just a beginner user of boost::spirit and they might have better answers.