URL Download
I have code at the location at the link above and I am using NSMutableString to append strings as data is downloaded. But I am finding that using appendString does not increase the length of the mutable string. I must be doing something wrong.
And when I am done I need to convert NSMutableString to NSString to return it. I have looked for examples to do this but I do not see any yet.
I am most familiar with Java and C# where there is a StringBuffer/StringBuilder which allows you to append pieces and them simply call toString at the end to get a String. It does not appear to be this easy in Objective-C.
NSString* str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
#pragma mark TODO Confirm this is appending a value to the mutable string
[self.mutableString appendString:str];
NSLog(@"str length: %d, %d", [str length], [self.mutableString length]);
Above is the section of code that calls appendString.
I see that str has a length > 0 but calling appendString does not increase the length of self.mutableString.
What am I doing wrong here?