I inherited a Drupal 5 site recently and have a series of enhancements to make. Several of then revolve around search results.
Unpublished pages showing up in search engine results. Some of these are old pages, others are recently unpublished. All are correctly marked as unpublished in the CMS and are still showing up.
Outdated pages are showing up from the search engine. The URL path structure changed and those items are old results in the DB.
From what I can tell the site uses Google Search Appliance(GSA) for the search rather than the default Drupal search. Is there a way I can be certain that it's using GSA other than seeing the module enabled?
If it is GSA it seems that I could get someone with access to the GSA to rebuild the search results on the site. Is this correct?
If rebuilding the search results is the right way to go about it, it seems whenever a fair amount of content is removed from the site I'll need to get someone to rebuild the search. Is there a better/automatic way?