



Alright so I am positive my Arduino circuit is correct and the code for it. I know this because when I use the serial monitor built into Arduino IDE and send 'H' an LED lights up, when I send 'L' that LED turns off.

Now I made a python program

import serial
ser = serial.Serial("COM4",9600)

When I run the code the LED blinks on for a second then goes back off. However when I do each of these lines seperatly in the shell it works just like it is supposed to.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 
  • Are the baudrate / parity / stopbits settings correct?
  • What happens if you place a long sleep after the write?
Eli Bendersky
+1, I'm almost certain a sleep will work :)
Nadia Alramli
The settings would have to be right or it wouldn't work in the shell, right?Same thing happens when I place a sleep.
it's hard to say without more information, then. Try to install a virtual COM port loopback (like com0com) and verify that exactly the same bytes get sent in both cases with the different behavior
Eli Bendersky

I'm having the exact same problem, did you ever figure out a solution!?


I just ran into the exact same problem, when trying to run very similar code. Just to bump this post, would love to understand why this is happening. If I send data to the arduino from its serial monitor, it works. When I send serial data to the arduino from the Processing language, it works. But with pySerial it only works in the interactive shell, not in an executed module. :(

Eric Pavey
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I had the same problem and it works if I add a delay of about 2 seconds from opening the serial connection to writing on it, 1 second was not enough.

Daniel Karling