I have introduced the SOLID principles to my team and they understand and are excited about using the principles.
S - SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
O - OCP - Open/Closed Principle
L - LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle
I - ISP - Interface Segregation Principle
D - DIP - Dependency Inversion Principle
I have given them a couple of projects that have already been re-factored to use these principles. The biggest problem that I see if they have a hard time seeing the connections between the very loosely coupled classes within the project. Even if I create a class diagram it won't show any connections. One particular project I am referring too uses Dependency Injection and XML configuration for the implementations. While, this has it's purpose it makes it even harder for them to find out what class is even being used.
What is the best way to visually show the relationships between the classes and how they are used within the project?!
Edited: 2008/10/24 8:40 PM
Based on the UML comment I attempted to turn to the built in Visual Studio class diagram to build a model of an application. I can give descriptions of each interface but still not sure that they are clearly connected.