




I have recently started using Chromium rather than Firefox on my laptop, primarily due to poor performance with Firefox. I always launched my browser via Gnome DO (Win+Space, Firefox, enter). I would like to do the same for Chromium but can't find any documentaiton in regards to adding aliases to Gnome DO.

Any ideas on how I can add Chromium to Gnome DO? I don't need any advanced functionality, just want to Win+Space, Chrome (or Chromium), enter.

+2  A: 

I'm pretty sure Gnome DO automatically searches the contents of your Gnome applications menu. If the app is listed in there, you should be able to search for it from Gnome Do.

Any idea on how often this search happens or how to force DO to search? I'm on Linux Mint Felicia, Chromium has been installed from Launchpad's PPA via apt-get for 2 hours. Still no results via DO.
Michael Wales
I think it re-indexes every time the app starts. If you haven't already, try quitting and restarting Gnome Do.

In addition to igul222's answer, if you type in the entire name of the executable, it will present you with the option to 'run' it, even if it isn't in your menu. The downside is you do have to type the entire name.

Matthew Talbert