



Hello I am using the jquery accordion plugin on 2 divs

so I setup my divs like this

<div id="contacts" class="mainStyle">
<h3 id="headeronline"><a href="#">Online</a></h3>
        <div id="onlinecontacts"> 
<h3 id="headeroffline"><a href="#">Offline</a></h3>
        <div id="offlinecontacts"> 

then in my document.ready function I create the accordion

            collapsible: true, fillSpace: true

I want to update the headers of teh accordion later on, so I use

$(headeronline).text("Online (" + onlinecount + ")");

$(headeroffline).text("Offline (" + offlinecount + ")");

the text of the header does update, however the new text ends up overlapping the collapse expand icon of the accordion.

Am I doing something wrong ? if so what is the correct way to update the header of the accordion ?


+1  A: 

Your update code needs to be changed as follows:

$('#headeronline a').text("Online (" + onlinecount + ")");

$('#headeroffline a').text("Offline (" + offlinecount + ")");

The headeronline and headeroffline weren't being referred to as IDs and the text needed to be changed in the link, not instead the header.

Thank you very much that did the trick