



Hi, I have a bunch of sql scripts that create / drop sequences, users and other objects. I'm running these scripts through liquibase, but they fail because oracle complains when I try to drop a non existing sequence, or create an existing user.

Is there an oracle way to prevent errors from happening?

Something of the sort

Create User / Sequence if not exists

Drop User/ Secuence if exists

As far as I know, I have these options:

  • Write a plsql script
  • Use liquibase contexts.
  • Use liquibase preconditions, but this would mean too much work.

Any thoughts / ideas will be greatly appreciated.

+2  A: 

Write a function do_ddl similar to this and catch all exceptions you want to catch:

   allready_null EXCEPTION;
   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(allready_null, -1451);
   execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE TAB MODIFY(COL  NULL)';
   WHEN allready_null THEN
      null; -- handle the error
Robert Merkwürdigeliebe
+1  A: 

I'd just use a PL/SQL anonymous block.

   for x in (select sequence_name
             from   user_sequences
              where sequence_name in ('SEQ1','SEQ2' ... 'SEQn'))
      execute immediate 'drop sequence '||x.sequence_name;
   end loop;
David Aldridge
+1  A: 

Liquibase has a failOnError attribute you can set to false on changeSets that include a call that could fail.

<changeSet failOnError="false">
   <createSequence sequenceName="new_sequence"/>

This allows you to have simple create user, create sequence, drop user, and drop sequence changeSets and if the statement throws an error because they users/sequences exist/don't exist they will still be marked as ran and the update will continue.

The downside of this approach is that it will also mark them as ran and continue if they error for some other reason (bad permissions, connection failure, invalid SQL, etc.) The more accurate approach is to use preconditions, like this:

   <preconditions onFail="MARK_RAN"><not><sequenceExists></not></preconditions>
   <createSequence name="new_sequence"/>

There is no userExists precondition currently, but you can create custom preconditions or fall back to the precondition. See for documentation

Nathan Voxland
I considered preconditions, but one doubt remains: If i have N create sequence statements, should I create equal number of changesets?
Yes you should. ChangeSets attempt to be transactional, but databases often auto-commit on DDL calls like create sequence. The databasechangelog table that liquibase uses to track what changeSets ran just tracks entire changesets that ran, so if you have 15 create sequence calls in a single changeSet and for some reason the 8th one throws an error, the liquibase update will fail on the first run because of that error, and from then on the changeSet will always fail because the first sequence already exists.Therefore, the best approach is to have a single DDL call per changeSet.
Nathan Voxland