The query below gets all customers and the products they order. There are multiple pictures per product, so the query returns duplicate rows. I only want one of the pictures to prevent this duplication. The pictures have a rank order. So, I need to sort the pictures and take the one with highest rank and join that to products. How can I do this?
from c in Customers
join o in OnlineOrders on c.CustomerID equals o.CustomerID into ords
from co in ords.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pro in Products on co.OnlineOrderID equals pro.OnlineOrderID into oprods
from op in oprods.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pict in Pictures on op.ProductID equals pict.ProductID into picpros
from ppro in picpros.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
c.CustomerName, co.OnlineOrderTitle,
op.ProductTitle, ppro.PictureFilename }