



For some reason I'm getting a Trace/BPT trap error when calling urllib.urlopen. I've tried both urllib and urllib2 with identical results. Here is the code which throws the error:

def get_url(url):
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    if not url or not url.startswith('http://'): return None
    return urlopen(url).read() # FIXME!

I should add that this code is running on a CherryPy webserver with

Someone requested a traceback. Unfortunately, there is none. Trace/BPT trap is outputted to the terminal and the process terminates. E.g.

dloewenherz@andros project $ sudo ./ 80
# Here I visit the page which contains the get_url(url) method
Trace/BPT trap
dloewenherz@andros project $

Edit: I am running OS X 10.6.2, 0.33, Python 2.6.2, and CherryPy 3.1.2.

+2  A: 

Are you running this under OS X 10.6? Apparently threads and importing modules for the first time does not play well together there. See if you can't import urllib2 outside of the thread?

There are a few more details in the following thread:

I'd try either moving the import of urllib to the top of the same file or, since it seems to be a problem only with importing a module for the first time in a thread, import it somewhere else as well, like in the same file as your main() function.

Edit: Which versions of OS X, Python, CherryPy and are you running? I'm using OS X 10.5.8, Python 2.6, CherryPy 3.1.2 and 0.33 and can't reproduce your problem using the below code:

import web

urls = (
  '/', 'index'

app = web.application(urls, globals())

class index:
    def GET(self):
        from urllib2 import urlopen
        return urlopen("").read()

if __name__ == "__main__":

$ sudo python 80 - - [08/Nov/2009 09:46:40] "HTTP/1.1 GET /" - 200 OK - - [08/Nov/2009 09:46:40] "HTTP/1.1 GET /extern_js/f/CgJzdhICc2UgACswCjhBQB0sKzAOOAksKzAYOAQsKzAlOMmIASwrMCY4BSwrMCc4Aiw/dDWkSd2jmF8.js" - 404 Not Found - - [08/Nov/2009 09:46:40] "HTTP/1.1 GET /logos/elmo-hp.gif" - 404 Not Found - - [08/Nov/2009 09:46:40] "HTTP/1.1 GET /images/nav_logo7.png" - 404 Not Found

Is this code enough to reproduce the problem on your end? If not, I need more information in order to be of help.

Yep, I'm running 10.6.1. How would I go about importing the module outside of the thread?
Dan Loewenherz
Not knowing how the rest of the file looks, I'd try moving the import statement out of get_url() to the top of the file.
Just moved the import statement to the top. Still no dice.
Dan Loewenherz
Do you only have one python file — or several?If you have several, which one contains your main() function? Is it the same one as the one you moved the import statement to the top of?If not, also add the import statement to the file that contains your main() function.
I'll go ahead and try importing the module in the file as well. I'll give an update when I do.
Dan Loewenherz
Absolutely no difference. Still crashes.
Dan Loewenherz
Paste the exception you're receiving.
@John Geo: Unfortunately hitting this problem gives no exception information.
Seems ubidr answered the question. Thanks though!
Dan Loewenherz

I have same problem. However when I run the code from Wing IDE everything is fine. I'm not sure what flags they are setting to make this happen but they do support multi-threading

+3  A: 

Adding the following lines to the top of the main file solved the problem:

import urllib2

In other words, it is not enough to import the urllib2 module but you actually need to create the opener in the main thread.

Why is this required?
Dan Loewenherz
Also, I can't seem to mark this as the answer. Can anyone help out?
Dan Loewenherz
Seems to be a threading issue with Snow Leopard caused by loading CoreFoundation on a background thread. More info here:
Nick Farina