



If I have markup like this:

<!-- Other Content -->
<div id="container">
<div class="draggable">
<div class="draggable">
<!-- Other Content -->

How can I have the container div expand vertically (I only want #container to be capable of expanding downward) as I drag one of the draggables? I've thought about using the drag callback, but there's gotta be a CSS way, right?

+1  A: 

You can't do it with css, because div#container element didn't get any class triggered from draggables.

Best way is to do it with callback:

   start: function(event, ui) { $('#container').addClass('expand'); },
   stop: function(event, ui) { $('#container').removeClass('expand'); }
Okay, so what's in the expand class to make it expand?
Nate Wagar

I have made some progress, but this is still not working the way I would like it to.
Here's how I now have it partially working (using the markup above):

 var dragCatch = function(event, ui) {
    var containerOffset = $('#container').offset().top;
    var containerBottom =  containerOffset + $('#container').height();
    var componentHeight = $(this).height();

    if (event.pageY > containerBottom - componentHeight - 2) {
     $('#container').height(event.pageY - containerOffset + componentHeight + 2);
     $(this).css('top', event.pageY - containerOffset);

$(this).each(function() {
     grid: [117,1]
     ,snap: '.draggable'
     ,snapMode: 'outer'
     ,containment: '#container'
     ,drag: dragCatch

This code will successfully resize the #container div, but will stop moving the .draggable div where #container used to end. If I let go, then drag again, then the .draggable will again move to where #container ends, then will stop even if #container continues to expand in size.

Nate Wagar
if this is so that you can add resize bars to your container div then just use resizable() instead of draggable() . alternatively for your example remove the containment option if your growing your box you'll never reach the out each of the container anyway.
Matt Smith
Yes, I could use a resize bar, but I'd prefer the page be capable of expanding in one action rather than two. Regarding the removal of the containment option, I realized my initial post was not all that clear in that I want the container div to expand in the vertical direction only. (I've now fixed it)
Nate Wagar

The conclusion that I have come to is that this may not even be possible. I went with an alternate method of using jQuery.resizable to do it manually instead.

Nate Wagar