



how can i create a custom control that accepts a inner html, like the usual .net datagrid or ajax tabbed control... something like this:

<KITT:tabs id="s" runat="server" >
 <w:tab sectionid="benefits">
here goes my html or any content, i want to render as is

I know how to create that with no inner html, a Tab object, a list of Tabs, then using


in the control... but i dont know where to go from there, any hints?


What you're looking for is called a "templated control." You can find more information on MSDN.

Adam Maras
thanks, thats exactly what im looking for :)
on second thought, its not, i dont want to bind the tabs as in templated control, i want to display whatever is there inside, but mind you, the there might me multiple tabs, it looks like two seperate controls now, but im gonna look further for this one
+1  A: 

combining the answer about custom controls in general: custome child controls

and MSDN Templated Conrols

the right way to go about this is very simple, once creating and defining the child element in a namespace (because you need to cross reference it), it should have one added property: the Tab class looks like this

namespace MyNS.Content {
public class Tab : System.Web.UI.UserControl

 private string _title;

 public Tab()
  : this(String.Empty)

 public Tab(string title)
  _title = title;

 public string Title
  get { return _title; }
  set { _title = value; }

 private ITemplate tabContent = null;
 public ITemplate TabContent
   return tabContent;
   tabContent = value;


This will allow the tabcontent child to your main tag

in your control ascx create the necessary [ParseChildren(true, "MyTabs")] and bind your MyTabs list or collection to a repeater, this will output all contained tabs, your ascx looks like this

<asp:repeater id="rpContent" runat="server" onitemdatabound="rpContent_itemdatabound">
 <asp:hyperlink id="hlHeader" runat="server" navigateurl="javascript://"></asp:hyperlink>

   <asp:placeholder id="plTabContent" runat="server"></asp:placeholder>


the code behind looks like this

[ParseChildren(true, "MyTabs")]
public partial class KITT_controls_tabgroup : System.Web.UI.UserControl
    private List<Tab> _myTabs;
    public List<Tab> MyTabs
      if (_myTabs == null)
       _myTabs = new List<Tab>();
      return _myTabs;


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     rpContent.DataSource = MyTabs;

    protected void rpContent_itemdatabound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)

     if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
      Tab i = e.Item.DataItem as Tab;

      ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("hlHeader")).Text = i.Title;

finally, register your controls (both Tab and ascx)

<add tagPrefix="w" namespace="MyNS.Content" />
<add tagPrefix="KITT" tagName="TabbedContent" src="~/controls/tabbedcontent.ascx"/>

and use it...

 <kitt:tabbedcontent id="upgradedesktop" runat="server">
    <w:Tab  title="Overview" isdefault="true" runat="server">
      your html tags and server side tags here
    <w:tab title="Benefits" runat="server" >
      your html tags and server side tags here
    <w:tab title="Products" runat="server">
      your html tags and server side tags here

I have a question: where you put alle the codes ? I usualy create a Usercontrol.ascx and a weeb page who use user control WebPage.aspx. I have not understand where put all the codes.

Thank you!

Sorry for my English (it's not my language).

the tab class should sit in a cs file under App_Code folder, the control is in a regular control anywhere, the registration is in web.config, and using it is in any aspx page