




In my form, I have 8 textboxes. All of these need to be filled in, and I wanted to check if they are filled in before going to run the rest of the code.

The only way I've done it thus far is 8 nested IF statements, and this looks unorganised and seems like a horrible way to do it.

Can someone tell me a better way to do this? If there is one, of course.

Thanks :)

+1  A: 

Is this winforms or webforms?

If Winforms, look at the ErrorProvider control.
If Webforms, look at the validation controls (specifcally, RequiredFieldValidator).

In either case, I would likely create a custom control that wraps the validation together with the textbox that you can just drop on your form where you need it.

Joel Coehoorn
It's Winforms, and i'll take a look at the ErrorProvider control now. Thanks.
Hold on, how do you create a control again? Or at least, how would you create this control (textbox+validation)?
Maxim Zaslavsky
Hi.The control is available from the tool box in the left of the Visual Studio window.Here's some code samples :)If txtName.Text = "" Then frmBookErr.SetError(txtName, "This field cannot be left blank.") Else frmBookErr.SetError(txtName, "") End If
But as for creating a custom control...? Very interesting question! I have this problem too!
Maxim Zaslavsky

Simply use RequiredFieldValidator along with the ValidatorSummary field to display the validation messages.

Let me know if that helps.


Pratik Talati
RequiredFieldValidator is for web-apps. This is question is about WinForms.
+1  A: 

Hmm, how about grouping the 8 textboxes into 1 Panel and looping through each of them instead? Something like this:

bool text = true;

foreach(Control ctrl in Panel)
    TextBox textbox = ctrl as TextBox;
        if (box.Text.Length == 0)
            text = false;

if(text) ExecuteCode();
+1  A: 

At form load time, make a collection of all the textboxes that cannot be empty. Then simply loop through them. This is similar to @Kronon answer, but without the Panel. I like changing the background color to indicate which fields should not be empty.

public partial class MainForm
 private List<TextBox> mandatoryTextBoxes;

    private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        mandatoryTextBoxes = new List<TextBox>();
        // add other textboxes1

    private bool CheckMandatoryFields() {
        bool allFieldsPresent = true;
        foreach (TextBox tb in this.mandatoryTextBoxes) {
            if (tb.Text.Length == 0) {
                tb.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                allFieldsPresent = false;
            } else {
                tb.BackColor = Color.White;
        return allFieldsPresent;

    private void DoWork() {
        if (!this.CheckMandatoryFields()) {
            this.SetError("Indicated fields cannot be empty");
        // do real work here