
As for me, the easiest solution is to pass the the button state to the one script eg only one script but can return different results depending on button state. Otherwise you need to rewrite options each time someone clicks on the radio button. The second solution an lead to unpredictable behavior of auto suggest component.

Sample script:

var selectedValue = getRadioSelectedValue("radioGroupName");
var options_xml = { script: function (input) { return "autosuggest.php?input="+input+"&testid="+document.getElementById('testid').value+"&mode="+selectedValue; },

Write getRadioSelectedValue by yourself to get selected radio button value or set some flag on click. Mode param in GET request will indicates the state of the button, so you can return proper response.


Thanks for your suggestion. how would you achieve the second option? could you possibly share your example scripts? thanks!