




Hi there,

I`m new to Xpath and got a problem. I want all nodes under a specific parent-node! I tried it with this query, but only get an empty result! :(

var ISDN_confs = from x in xdoc.XPathSelectedElements("//member[name='participantOne']//member[name='name']") 
                 select x;

Sample XML:

                    <string>Test Endpoints</string>

The desired output should be a limited variation of the actual output. So i dont want all the name-members, but the name-members in the two structures without channels-members.

I hope its clear what I want! :)

Sample Output:

       <string>Test Endpoints</string> 

At the moment, with the above query, I get all name-members, but thats not what I want, like I said in the comments below!

UPDATE--- I tried to get all name-member which have channels-members with this query

var parts = from c in xdoc.XPathSelectElements("//member[name='name']")
                    where c.Element("name").Value == "channels" && c.Element("name").HasElements
                    select c;

but only get an empty result!

+1  A: 

Without seeing a sample document and the desired output it is a bit difficult to see what you actually want, but normally you would just use a single XPath expression which also includes the parent:


If this doesn't do what you want you could edit your question to include sample input and output.

Actually your last sentence is a little bit confusing: Is the parent node's name participantOne? And the child node's name is name? Then you could simply write:



As the member[name='participantOne'] node is not a direct parent but an acestor you would have to use


as your XPath expression.

Hi divo,Just edited my Question!
Thanks divo! //member[name='participantOne']//member[name='name'] worked out fine!
Is it possible to chnage the xpath-expression to limit the results so that one can say: I want the name-members in the participantOne-structure and the name-members in the partipantTwo-structure?
Sorry, can you make that a bit clearer, maybe with an example of the desired output?
I got a huge xml-file with call-nodes. Every call-node got the structures "participantOne" and "participantTwo"! I want the name-member which has no channels-member in one of the the two "participant"-structures. It is possible that name-members without channels-member are in more than one call-node. I edit the question above with an example xml!
Sorry, but what is a channel-member? Can you show me a sample output that your query should select (in XML). And by the way, your XML sample is not valid.
Hi divo, I think its easier to show you the file instead of copy and paste! I uploaded the file here --> http://rapidshare.de/files/48600758/isdndata_bsp.xml.htmlIn this file you see the channels-member and all other information I`m talking about! :)
Sample-Output is above!