




I have somewhere around 20 tables that I am working with. I can update the User table just fine, however, when I try to update my Adress table, nothing happens. I dont receive an exeption and the method looks like it executes ok but when i check my data, the values are still the same. Im thinking that it has to do with the fact that i moved my database out from under a server and onto my local SQL lite instance. I did change the connection strings in the config and thought that it would take care of the problem (as i stated, i can still select from all of the tables using linq). Has anyone encountered this before or have some idea of what might be going on?

Edit 1 - Im not very familiar with relocating databases with linq. I do know that SQLMETAL, when i run it, removes all of the customization that i have done inside of my datacatalog. Does just chaning the connection in the config work or do i actually have to use SQLMETAL everytime the db moves (the structure doesnt change)


When I did this I had to hand modify the constructor to use a different connection string in the File that Visual Studio generates for your instance of the database. I had the same issue as you did and this fixed the problem for me.

Aaron M
Can i ask what modifications you made? I have insepected the connection string for the datacontext at run time on both select and update and it appears to be correct.