Short Question:
Lets say, I want to solve Project Euler problem 9 using python and some equation solving libraries.
a + b + c = 1000.
a2 + b2 = c2
How do you do it.
Long Question:
I want to solve a set of equations; linear, sometimes may be quadratic too. Not a specific problem; but often, I have been in situation I wanted to.
It is simple to use the web equivalent of mathematica, to solve them. But that doesn't provide the comfort and convenience of an iPython shell.
Is there a simple libray to work on linear and quadratic equations on a python shell.
Personally, I use and find extremely convenient to use the Casio 991 MS scientific calculator. I know to set variables, solve equations, and do a lot. I want such a tool preferably within a ipython shell. I am surprised not to have found any. I'm not impressed enough by sage; perhaps I am missing something.