



I'd like to implement the receiving end of my system in MATLAB - this requires Gigabit Ethernet with sustained speeds of over 200Mb/sec.

Using MATLAB's built-in UDP from the Instrument Control Toolbox does not appear to be sufficient. Are there any good alternatives?


If the data can be put into batches:

Use an external program to download the data to your computer, and save it to a file. Then, Matlab can read from that file whenever it needs more data. That way you partition the problem into two manageable pieces - and if you're using a decent OS, the file will never leave RAM so you won't have to worry about speed.

+1  A: 

If you know Java, you can write the networking part of your code in Java classes, load those into your Matlab session with javaclasspath(), and invoke them from M-code. This could transform the problem from getting the data through Matlab's udp() function to getting the data across the Java/Matlab boundary.

Andrew Janke