



Has request validation changed for ASP.NET MVC 2, more precisely, not validating?

I did the following:

Web.configs (in App directory and Views directory)


Controller/Action Attribute


In @Page View Directive


The page still gets validated an exception is thrown when HTML content is posted.


Created a new ASP.NET MVC 2 Application and I modified the Home Controller's Index to this

    public ActionResult Index(string InputText)
        ViewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";

        return View();

and my View Page

<% using(Html.BeginForm()){ %>
    <%= Html.TextBox("InputText") %>
    <input type="submit" />
<% } %>

And still the same issue, an exception is thrown.


Insert obligatory warning about XSS here.

That you decorated the controller (or action) with the ValidateInputAttribute should be enough, as all validation is done at this controller level in ASP.NET MVC

I have just tried this now on an action, and it returns a nice, evil alert() when I output it, so I'd venture a guess that there's something else going on here.

Do you have an HandleErrorAttribute set up anywhere?

Dan Atkinson
I implemented a custom viewpage you can see at , looking to see if anything is causing it to validate with ASP.NET MVC 2
No HandleError attribute too.
+19  A: 

I should read the error more carefully next time:

To allow pages to override application request validation settings, 
set requestValidationMode="2.0" in the configuration section. 
After setting this value, you can then disable request validation by 
setting validateRequest="false"

I put this in the application's web.config

<httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0"/>

and it worked.


I was running ASP.NET 4 thats why :P

Update 2:

Placed it in the <system.web> begin/end tags.

would help stating where exactly in web.config you put it...
Inside the `<system.web>` begin/end tags
this did not work for me, I had to use the attributes for MVC2 RTM
Alexandre Brisebois
@Alexandre Brisebois, odd are you using .NET 4?
yes, but thinking of it, it's on a project that was upgraded by VS 2010
Alexandre Brisebois
I misunderstood your first comment. You have to use attributes AND this setting in your Web.config file for it to work in .NET 4