



I have a server that sends my android app a session cookie to be used for authenticated communication. I am trying to load a WebView with a URL pointing to that same server and I'm trying to pass in the session cookie for authentication. I am observing that it works intermittently but I have no idea why. I use the same session cookie to make other calls on my server and these never fail authentication. I only observe this problem when trying to load a URL in a WebView, and it does not happen every time. Very frustrating.

Below is the code that I'm using to do this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

String myUrl = """; 
CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance(); 
Cookie sessionCookie =  getCookie(); 
if(sessionCookie != null){ 
    String cookieString = sessionCookie.getName() +"="+sessionCookie.getValue()+"; domain="+sessionCookie.getDomain(); 
    cookieManager.setCookie(myUrl, cookieString); 

WebView webView = (WebView) findViewById(; 
webView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient()); 

I would save that session cookie as a preference and forcefully repopulate the cookie manager with it. It sounds that session cookie in not surviving Activity restart
I should add that my app makes many other non-WebView on my server calls that never fail authentication. Only when I try to load a URL in a WebView do I notice this problem. "Cookie sessionCookie = getCookie();" is retrieving from the app's DB the session cookie I use for all messages with my server.
Well if you are using HttpClient for that it has its own Cookie store, so if you hold to the single instance of the client your cookie will survive, but it may have nothing to do with the one used by your web view
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that the CookieManager returned by CookieManager.getInstance(); will affect the cookies used by instances of HttpClient, which WebViews do not use. If this is true, do you know how I can explicitly pass cookies into WebViews?Also, looking at the CookieManager docs, perhaps not calling "cookieManager.setAcceptCookie(true)" is causing me problems? Thanks for the help, really appreciate it.

I've spent the greater half of 3 hours working on a very similar issue. In my case I had a number of calls that I made to a web service using a DefaulHttpClient and then I wanted to set the session and all other corresponding cookies in my WebView.

I don't know if this will solve your problem, since I don't know what your getCookie() method does, but in my case I actually had to call.


first to remove the session cookie and then re-add it. I was finding that when I tried to set the JSESSIONID cookie without first removing it, the value I wanted to set it to wasn't being save. Not sure if this will help you particular issue, but thought I'd share what I had found.

+2  A: 

Thanks justingrammens! That worked for me, I managed to share the cookie within my DefaultHttpClient requests and WebView activity:

//------- Native request activity
private DefaultHttpClient httpClient;
public static Cookie cookie = null;

//After Login
List<Cookie> cookies = httpClient.getCookieStore().getCookies();
if (!cookies.isEmpty()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < cookies.size(); i++) {
        cookie = cookies.get(i);

//------- Web Browser activity
Cookie sessionCookie = myapp.cookie;
CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();
if (sessionCookie != null) {
    String cookieString = sessionCookie.getName() + "=" + sessionCookie.getValue() + "; domain=" + sessionCookie.getDomain();
    cookieManager.setCookie(myapp.domain, cookieString);