I have a grails app with a domain Restaurant and a domain Person.
class Restaurant {
String name
static belongsTo = [ owner: Person ]
class Person {
String name
static hasMany = [ favoriteRestaurants : Restaurant ]
My problem is that GORM creates only two tables, Restaurant and Person, where Restaurant has an owner_id. However what I am missing is the join table that links a person's favorite restaurants back to him.
I can understand why GORM does it this way (bidirectional one-to-many), however I can't figure out how to do it the way I want (1x unidirection one-to-many, 1x unidirectional many-to-one). I guess I should use mappedBy but I do not know what to map it to as there is nothing linking it back :-(
Additionally, I was initially considering the following domains:
class Restaurant {
String name
static belongsTo = [ owner: Person ]
static hasMany = [ outstandingCouponOwners : Person ]
class Person {
String name
static hasMany = [ favoriteRestaurants : Restaurant ]
where there is another one-to-many relationship (and again with nothing to map it to on the other end)