




If I have an assembly (A) which references another assembly (B). I want to reference A in a project, I add the reference and it copies A into my BIN directory. It does not copy B as well, even though A depends on it, so the code doesn't compile. How can I set things up so that whenever I reference A, both A and B get copied to my bin directory?

+4  A: 

In Visual Studio, add each project to the same solution. Ensure you use Project References instead of direct file references (ie browsing for the assembly).

+1  A: 

Reference both A and B.

+3  A: 

I dont think there is any way around what you ask other than to explicitly add both. I dont think however adding projects for the sake of getting references copied is a viable solution to the issue. Not all projects that a solution depends on should necassarily be added to the solution. This would completely depdend on your overall project structure, processes, source control, division of labour, etc


Unfortunately you'll have to manually add both. This is what happens to me as well whenever I use pre-3.5 versions of NHibernate: it requires both log4net and Iesi.Collections assemblies. So I have no choice but to manually include a reference to both in all my solutions that implement NHibernate.

This is more of an issue, of course, if you only have the DLLs. If it's a project that you have a codebase to Visual Studio itself will warn you beforehand that the references are missing.

Jon Limjap
Apparently there's a Telerik control that when you browse to the dll and add it, it adds a number of other required assemblies. I've not seen it, was told by another programmer. Would be a nice trick to know if it's possible.
Stephen Price

How about adding them to Global Assembly Cache?
