I have had difficulty figuring out how to use F# on Linux - I would really appreciate help.
Well, My box: Ubuntu, mono, fsharp, emacs and fsharp-mode
with fsharp-mode you have
- highlighting
- interactive console
- emacs :-).
Also, you can try to install .net 2.0 on wine (with winetricks for example) together with sharpdevelop 2.2.
Personaly i've decided to use emacs and fsharp-mode.
another option is to use regular editor such as kate in OCaml mode but it can be inconvenient due to differences between languages.
Google for F#, and the very first entry that comes up is http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/cambridge/projects/fsharp/ - and one of the first things on that page is:
Download F# now --> Visual Studio 2010, or CTP Update for Visual Studio 2008 or standalone compiler+library ZIP, for Mono and Windows
Have you installed that, and is something not working for you?
Here's a similar question with detailed answers: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/832552/how-to-get-f-working-with-mono/832953#832953
Simple example of compilation command can be found at here: http://gist.github.com/raw/144209/02f2f4450ed8261c5e4f3c18055de89ff0db9612/FebKit.fs
Keke, this is a late answer, but I have a post that explains how you can install F# under Linux and Mac systems. It assumes you understand how to compile software for Linux.
Here it is: http://blog.gnucom.cc/2009/installing-f-on-ubuntu-8-04/
Let me know what you think.