



How can I see the XML output of following C# code? I can see that it uses XElement, but where I can locate the XML file or the output?

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    XElement doc = new XElement("searchresults"); // root element

    XElement result = new XElement("result",
                             new XElement("Resulthead", "AltaVista"),
                             new XElement("ResultURL", ""),
                             new XElement("Description", "AltaVista provides the most comprehensive search experience on the Web! ... "),
                             new XElement("DisplayURL", "")

    //add another search result
    result = new XElement("result",
                             new XElement("Resulthead", "Dogpile Web Search"),
                             new XElement("ResultURL", ""),
                             new XElement("Description", "All the best search engines piled into one. All the best search engines piled into one."),
                             new XElement("DisplayURL", "")


    string xmlString = doc.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);
+3  A: 

Your result only exists inside your "xmlString" variable - it's not being written anywhere, neither onto the console / window, nor into a file.

You'll have to add a


line at the end of your method to save the contents to a file on disk.

Make sure to use a full path, or check in your current directory where the app is running (i.e. in (yourappname)\bin\debug, most likely).


i put the above code at the end but there is no xml outfile created.
i tried this there is no files there!doc.Save(@"D:\VSProjects\SearchEE\SearchEE\bin\Debug\searchresults.xml");
i am not getting any error ; i do have access to that directory
This project is at the same location:D:\VSProjects\SearchEE\SearchEE\bin\Debug
is there any reference need to create in project ?
This is last two lines of the codestring xmlString = doc.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting); doc.Save(@"D:\VSProjects\SearchEE\SearchEE\bin\Debug\searchresults.xml");
OK, this is odd - this just works ....... can you check in the debugger that the string "xmlString" contains the correct XML as you'd expect?
As for reference: since you're using Linq-to-XML, you need `using System.Xml.Linq;` but if you didn't have that, the code wouldn't even compile....
there is using System.Xml.Linq;, but there is no output in the string
does the above code works for you, do u did anything extra other than copy pasting the code in the window?
This is really really strange, so let's try crazy stuff... Is the Load event hooked up to the `Form1_Load` method you showed? Look it up in the Properties window, click in the little lightning bolt and scroll down to Load. Or, add a button, and place that code into the Click event handler. Run an click the button. Does it work?
Martinho Fernandes
hehehehe its worked ..thanks a ton!!!!!
Did you figure out what the problem was? I'm curious now...
Martinho Fernandes
+2  A: 

That code is not writing XML anywhere but memory (the xmlString variable).

You could try calling XElement.Save() and get it on a file:


Or use the debugger and look at the variables.

Or, if you prefer, simply put it in a TextBox:

textBox.Text = xmlString;

Be warned it may not be nicely formatted...

Martinho Fernandes
i put the above code at the end but there is no xml outfile created. Like this...........doc.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting); doc.Save(@"searchresults.xml");
i tried textbox , but there is no value inside text box tooo