The site,, talks about a mixed-mode assembly and a managed-only version of the provider. Are they both named System.Data.SQLite.dll? I installed the managed-only version in windows and it is working. Which, as I understand it, means that I must also have the native sqlite3.dll file somewhere on my machine that it is finding, right?
When I try to get my assembly to run on Linux with Mono, I get an EntryPointNotFoundException looking for sqlite3_open_v2. So I downloaded the precompiled shared-library for Linux without the TCL bindings from and placed it in the same folder as the other assemblies. But that didn't change anything.
The page at says Linux will look at my LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. So I set that to contain '.', the current directory. That didn't work either.
So then I copied to, and Still no change.
What am I missing?