





I want to load data by on click of the jQuery ui tabs. If I provide the links in tabs href then its automatically calling by AJAX, but i want to get data by normal request. basically my page is search page where there are different searches will perform on each Tabs and also maintain the search states. If I use AJAX then I cant save the search states .

please help me. i shall very thankful to you.

+1  A: 

Have you tried simply injecting the content you want to display straight into the tab's body and not setting anything ajax specific?

Essentially you should add a listener to the tab menu and then injecting the content into the tab's body. Something along the lines of:

$("#tabs ul li a").click( function () {
                                  var id = $(this).attr("href");
                                  $(id).html( fetch-content() );

That should be it.

Swizec Teller