



I have to serialize an object that contains a std::vector that can contain thousand of members, with that vector sizes the serialization doesn't scale well.

According with the documentation, Boost provides a wrapper class array that wraps the vector for optimizations but it generates the same xml output. Diving in boost code, i've found a class named use_array_optimization that seems to control the optimization but is somehow deactivated by default. i've also tried to override the serialize function with no results.

I would like to know how to activate that optimizations since the documents at boost are unclear.

Thank you in advance


The idea behind the array optimization is that, for arrays of types that can be archived by simply "dumping" their representation as-is to the archive, "dumping" the whole array at once is faster than "dumping" one element after the other.

I understand from your question that you are using the xml archive. The array optimization does not apply in that case because the serialization of the elements implies a transformation anyway.

Éric Malenfant
I try to serialize the whole vector<unsigned char> instead of each item. Now i get something like<data><item>1</item><item>2</item><item>170</item><item>255</item>....I need something like<data>0102AAFF</data>(notice the hexa encoding)I think that there has to be a solution in boost or at least some way to override the default behavior.

Finally, I used the BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_MEMBER() macro and coded two functions for loading and saving. The Save function looks like:

template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) const
    using boost::serialization::make_nvp;
std::string  sdata;
Vector2String(vData, sdata);
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("vData", sdata);

The Vector2String function simply takes the data in vector and format it to a std::string. The load function uses a function that reverses the encoding.
