



I have setup spell checking through WinWord but I need to find a way to in sure that Word 2007 is installed on there systems.

I have seen the Registry Versions of this but I also read that it can provide false positives. So I am in the 'market' as it were to figure out how to accomplish this. Can it be as simple as doing a File.Exists() on WinWord.exe in the 2007 file path?

Any other ideas?

+4  A: 
Type word = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Word.Application");
if (word != null) {
    // Word is installed

To check that Word 2007 in particular is installed:

Type word = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Word.Application.12");
if (word != null) {
    // Word 2007 is installed
Darin Dimitrov
Slick solution.
Does the ProdID "Word.Application" specifically find Word 2007?
John K
Sorry, that comment was ambiguous - to be more specific I meant to say the author requested Word 2007 be identified to the exclusion of other versions of Word on the system.
John K
Then the second test should work fine for you.
Darin Dimitrov
Very, very nifty. Thanks! I was told at the onset that ALL systems would be Office 2007 but the reality is that they all WILL be but currently are not and I only implemented 07 spell checking.
Refracted Paladin

If you are worried about the registry and false positives you can look at the exe version. Microsoft documents how to determine the executable version here


The best way would be use a combination. Use the registry to get the installation path. Inside of that path, you should find the executable. A false positive occurs because upgrades and uninstalls will sometimes remove the file but not the registry entry.

James Bailey