




I do not know anything about Sharepoint, and my company is rolling it out in a few departments. I am familiar with the workings and usage of Oracle (Stellent) CMS (for storing docs with meta-data, searching for docs, etc), and I am asking if I may use Sharepoint in a similar way? Can I programmatically upload docs to Sharepoint, from a java web application, and do searches and doc retrieval?

+3  A: 

Yes. You are able to do all of that from Java via the MOSS 2k7 Web Services. Here's a quick reference for uploading a file to a list (the example uses .NET, but you can use Java just as easily).

David Klein's Corner: Uploading Files to MOSS 2007 via the Copy.asmx Web Service

Justin Niessner
Well, not just as easily... but it does have a *fairly* comprehensive SOAP layer.
I think using SharePoint as a development platform is a bad idea... it's good create sites and document libraries but anything custom is such a nightmare...