



I currently have a net assembly within an aspx page by using the following tag. The page is only ever accessed using Internet Explorer.

<object id="myControl1" classid="mydll.dll#my.namespace"></object>

This same assembly is also present client side in the windows assembly to allow it to execute code client side when the user does certain interactions with the webpage.

However, when the add-on management group policy is set to "Deny All Add-Ons Unless Specifically Allowed In The Add-On List" my component can not function. When adding an ordinary ActiveX control, the classid attribute is set to a guid and that guid can be used to identify an add-on in the policy whitelist. When using the net assembly instead of an activeX control on the page, classid is not a guid but the relative path and namespace of the assembly.

Does anybody know of a way to allow the assembly to run despite the policy?