



Hello guys i know i've posting a lot about mac lately and setting up my environment to develop on java 1.6. after trying to set my etc/launch.conf like so

setenv JAVA_VERSION 1.6
setenv JAVA_HOME /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/
setenv CATALINA_BASE /Library/apache-tomcat6020
setenv CATALINA_HOME /Library/apache-tomcat6020
setenv CATALINA_TMPDIR /Library/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/temp

and with sodu i can't run my java with 1.6 it was still 1.5 so i found online some workarounds

rm Current*  
ln -s 1.6.0/ Current
ln -s 1.6.0/ CurrentJDK

i works untill i restart the machine and then i cannot run eclipse no netbeans any more.Netbeans start and stop few seconds after and eclipse spit out error code =-1. I just want to come back to 1.5 and see.Java parameter behave the same way as NetBeans. i did the same link stuf for 1.5 by removing the current and create the new link, and updating /etc/launchd.conf to 1.5 no success after restarting the machine. java -version give 1.6.0_15 both on normal user and sudo. What do you think i should do? Thanks for reading


Did you take a look at Applications/Utilities/Java? You can switch between different versions of Java there, permanently.

yeah bruv it's simply not starting.i mean it start few seconds and vanish later
black sensei

Solved part of it by doing

rm ~/Library/Caches/Java/
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0
sudo rm /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6

Netbeans started working again.But there is one problem though.When i type java i got

-bash: java: command not found

but javac and applerviewer can be run.I guess for that one some one can help me thought it.thanks for reading. Ps: for some in the same situation as me i've read you might have to delete Java SE 6 in /Applications/Utilities/Java if there is one

black sensei

You should never, ever delete anything in /System (except the contents of /System/Library/Caches if needed for troubleshooting). Reinstall Java 6 (with Apple's latest Java update) before you do anything else, then if you want to change the VM NetBeans uses, either use Java Preferences or add to ~/.netbeans/«version»/etc/netbeans.conf:

Nicholas Riley
thanks for the advice i've come to realise that.So there are things i believe i don't understand. `when you say Reinstall Java 6 (with Apple's latest)` you mean the next time there is an update. i messed up the 1.6.0_15 so you mean when the 1.6.0_17 will be available? i'm asking because the software updater still thinks that i have the 1.6.0_15 and then not showing me the option to Reinstall it.
black sensei
You can download 1.6.0_15 manually to reinstall it. (
Nicholas Riley

i installed to snow leopard and solves my issue.thanks to all

black sensei