How to write linq with same function of following sql Like:
select * from table where col like param?
How to write linq with same function of following sql Like:
select * from table where col like param?
var selection = records.Where (r => r.Col.Contains (param));
Table.Where(t => t.col.Contains(param));
...should do the trick.
Digging into System.Data.Linq.SqlClient namespace, I found a little helper class called SqlMethods, which can be very usefull in such scenarios. SqlMethods has a method called Like, that can be used in a Linq to SQL query:
var query = from c in ctx.Customers
where SqlMethods.Like(c.City, "L_n%")
select c;
This method gets the string expression to check (the customer's city in this example) and the patterns to test against which is provided in the same way you'd write a LIKE clause in SQL.
Using the above query generated the required SQL statement:
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ...
FROM dbo.Customers
WHERE City LIKE [L_n%]