




I am using Memcache in my ASP.NET application. I have 3 memcache servers that it connects to. If all of them are down, there is a significant delay in loading the pages. When all servers are down, I would want to not use memcache.

When I was stepping through the code, I noticed that when the servers are down, memcache code does not throw an exception (I thought I could "Catch" it in my application and take the necessary steps).

How would I handle this situation?


How do one check if the service is down? There are several ways:

  • Check if the process is running (if you are checking same machine). I doubt it is fast.
  • Try to connect to socket and see if connection fails. I also doubt it is fast.

So, just take some measures to not let all of your memcached be down. Watch them with monit for example.

Thanks. From the code it appears that once an instance of the Memcacheclient is created, there is a timer that goes off every deadTimeOut that checks if dead servers are up. All I want to do is once a server goes down, send an alert to the admin and stop using memcache. I have a boolean flag in my app that I can use to check if I want to use memcache or not. But, how do I get this value?
Can you show some sources?
+1  A: 

Since Enyim is Open Source, you could edit ServerPool.cs, like so:

    /// <summary>
    /// Marks a node as dead (unusable)
    ///  - moves hte node to the  "dead list"
    ///  - recreates the locator based on the new list of still functioning servers
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="node"></param>
    private void MarkAsDead(MemcachedNode node)

            // server gained AoeREZ while AFK?
            if (!node.IsAlive)

                // check if all servers are dead
                if (this.workingServers.Count == 0)
                    throw new NoMoreServersException();


I haven't tested above code. BTW, my changes are these three lines:

    // check if all servers are dead
    if (this.workingServers.Count == 0)
        throw new NoMoreServersException();

You should also create NoMoreServersException (or use a generic exception (not advisable though)).

Sune Rievers
+1  A: 

What you are trying to do here is not really the job of your application.

Let’s assume your caching interface is something like this.

public class CacheManager
    protected ICacheProvider _repository;
    public CacheManager(ICacheProvider repository)
        _repository = repository;

    public void Store(string key, object data)
        _repository.Store(key, data);

    public void Destroy(string key)

    public T Get<T>(string key)
        return _repository.Get<T>(key);

If this is the case, what are your choices if all memcache servers are down? You can only continue to live normal by accessing your db/filessystem/etc. After all, cache by definition is not reliable.

Assuming that your memcached is running on *nix servers, you should be looking at ways to monitor it from the network or OS level. Memcached has a wiki page for this. Write rules/scripts to parse and inform your admin and bring it up. Your simplest option is to use munin IMHO
