I'm a Powershell newbie, trying to get a simple script to run.
I have a list of files that I want to copy from some src_dir to a dst_dir. I wrote a simple script (which is obviously wrong since it didnt do anything when I executed it).
Could someone please help check to see what I'm doing wrong?
# source and destionation directory
$src_dir = "C:\Users\Pac\Desktop\C4new"
$dst_dir = "C:\Users\Pac\Desktop\csci578-hw3\Prism\C4new"
# list of files from source directory that I want to copy to destination folder
# unconditionally
$file_list = "C4newArchitecture.java", "CustomerData.java"
# Copy each file unconditionally (regardless of whether or not the file is there
for($i=0; $i -le $file_list.Length - 1; $i++)
Copy-Item -path $src_dir+$file_list[$i] -dest $dst_dir -force