I have a big binary file with lots of files stored inside it. I'm trying to copy the data of a PCX image from the file and write it to a new file which I can then open in an image editor.
After obtaining the specs for the header of a PCX file I think that I've located the image in the big binary file. My problem is that I cannot figure out how many bytes I'm supposed to read after the header. I read about decoding PCX files, but I don't want to decode anything. I want to read the encoded image data and write that to a seperate file so the image editor can open in.
Here is the header. I've included the values of the image as I guess they can be used to determine the "end-of-file" for the image data.
struct PcxHeader
BYTE Identifier; // PCX Id Number (Always 0x0A) // 10
BYTE Version; // Version Number // 5
BYTE Encoding; // Encoding Format // 1
BYTE BitsPerPixel; // Bits per Pixel // 8
WORD XStart; // Left of image // 0
WORD YStart; // Top of Image // 0
WORD XEnd; // Right of Image // 319
WORD YEnd; // Bottom of image // 199
WORD HorzRes; // Horizontal Resolution // 320
WORD VertRes; // Vertical Resolution // 200
BYTE Palette[48]; // 16-Color EGA Palette
BYTE Reserved1; // Reserved (Always 0)
BYTE NumBitPlanes; // Number of Bit Planes // 1
WORD BytesPerLine; // Bytes per Scan-line // 320
WORD PaletteType; // Palette Type // 0
WORD HorzScreenSize; // Horizontal Screen Size // 0
WORD VertScreenSize; // Vertical Screen Size // 0
BYTE Reserved2[54]; // Reserved (Always 0)