I have an assembly that provides the class structure for a custom config section. Is there a way to wire up the config section to point to the assembly in a different directory or does the assembly have to be in the same directory as the consuming application or the GAC? If it CAN be in a different directory, how/where would I specify such?
For Example:
MyConsole.exe - lib folder - - The custom config assembly.
Here's my App.config:
<section name="TestCustomSection" type="TestCustomConfigSections.TestCustomSection, TestCustomConfigSections" />
<TestCustomSection message="Test is a subdirectory test." />
When TestCustomConfigSections.dll is in the same directory as my console app, it works fine. The moment I move it to /lib, it throws an exception when my code calls GetSection("TestCustomSection")
because it can't find the file or assembly.