In my workbook, I copy the current sheet to keep as a record of a sale. Eventually, the workbook fills up with sales and at some point throws an error when I try to copy another sheet. After saving, then completely exiting Excel, then reloading the file, I can continue without problems. I'm guessing it's a memory issue, but I'm not quite sure how to solve it without restarting Excel. I can't remember the wording of the error exactly, but it went along the lines of "Copy method of worksheet failed". FWIW I use "Application.CutCopyMode = False" at the end of the macro that copies the sheet.
1st edit:
I'd like to post all of the code, but there's just so much of it (mostly not related to updating values, input verification, etc. etc.); if I post everything, I'd have to post all of the other functions for it to make sense. Suffice it to say, here's what I think is applicable:
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Sheets(3)
...(more code)...
Call resetInterface(True, True, (wasScreenUpdating), (wasProtected))
and for the "resetInterface" function:
' Final operations for a typical function/sub '
Function resetInterface(Optional calc As Boolean = False, Optional ccmode As Boolean = False, Optional scrUpdate As Boolean = True, Optional protectWS As Boolean = False)
With Application
If calc Then
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End If
If ccmode Then .CutCopyMode = False
.ScreenUpdating = scrUpdate
End With
If protectWS Then ActiveSheet.Protect
End Function