



Hi, I'm a computer science student from Venezuela.

I am looking for universities that have good Master/PhD programs on software development (computer science also, but I'm looking for something more into the engineering side of software, not the theoretical).

Thanks for any answers

+1  A: 

Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute

Mr Fooz
It's called the Institute for Software Research.The software engineering institute is a separate research entity that's partly operated by the department of defense and does not teach directly.

ITT Technical Institute. :-) J/K

Most grad schools are found by knowing what area of theoretical CS you're interested in. At the grad school level, you're bound to learn some engineering skills implementing those new whiz bang cutting edge algorithms.... or not. :-)

JR Lawhorne

Oregon State University Has a great Engineering and Computer Science program

+3  A: 

The main question is whether you are seeking a terminal masters (to go back to the industry for engineering/management) or for research MS/PHD.

If we're talking terminal, Carnegie Mellon has multiple programs in IT/MS, the most prestigious one is probably the masters of software engineering, though they have some programs related to network security, ebusiness, etc.

I'm doing a PhD in software engineering at CMU, but our program is relatively small. Most computer science programs have people doing software engineering research. You really have to find a topic you're interested in (e.g., read program descriptions for conferences like ICSE) and then see who publishes on these topics and apply accordingly.

The ranking of your program is only one part of the story, it's more important to be in a field and with a professor you can work with and do great work with.

How was the experience at CMU? Did you feel like the classes and experience really prepared for the real world work? Or was it more academic / research? Just looking for some perspectives.

CMU, UMN-TWC are the two of the world top 30 Unis which are good in SE programs

In Midwest, University of ST thomas is one of the oldest schools for SE...