



We have classes

public Invoice: EntityObject
    public EntityCollection<InvoicePosition> Positions { get {...}; set{...}; }

public InvoicePosition: EntityObject
    public string GroupName { get {...}; set{...}; }

We are given IQueryable<Invoice>, we are not given IQueryable<InvoicePosition>. How should I find invoices that have positions, where GroupName is 'Fuel'?

IQueryable<Invoice> invoices = InvoiceRepository.List();
IQueryable<Invoice> invoicesThatHaveFuelPositions = 
    from i in invoices
    where ?
    select i

EntityFramework should be able to translate it to proper sql query.


As Mark Seemann wrote, I can use:

IQueryable<Invoice> invoices = InvoiceRepository.List().Include("Positions").Include("OtherInclude");
IQueryable<Invoice> invoicesThatHaveFuelPositions = 
    from i in invoices
    from p in i.Positions
    where p.GroupName = 'Fuel'
    select i;

There is a problem. When I use this filtering, I lose "OtherInclude". I think that this is not proper way of filtering when using EF. I'll have to change it to:

IQueryable<Invoice> invoices = InvoiceRepository.List().Include("Positions").Include("OtherInclude");
IQueryable<Invoice> invoicesThatHaveFuelPositions = invoices.Where(???);

But what should I write in Where?


Changed Include("Position") to Include("Positions").


Alex James gave link to the tip (, which suggests:

IQueryable<Invoice> invoicesThatHaveFuelPositions = 
    from i in invoices
    where i.Positions.Any(p => p.GroupName == 'Fuel')
    select i;

It seems to work and doesn't influence EF includes.

+1  A: 

Something like this ought to work:

var q = from i in invoices
        from p in i.Positions
        where p.GroupName == "Fuel"
        select i;

However, that uses the navigation property Positions, which by default isn't loaded (the Entity Framework uses explicit loading). It will, however, work, if the invoices variable was created like this:

var invoices = from i in myObjectContext.Invoices.Include("Positions")
               select i;
Mark Seemann
If it compiled, maybe it would work:)
Invoice.Positions is EntityCollection. It doesn't have GroupName property. It has list of InvoicePosition.
Sorry, I misread the code in the question. I just updated the answer.
Mark Seemann
Thanks, now it compiles, but doesn't work well with EF. I had Include("Positions") when taking from repository, but I had other includes too and they are lost during that operation.
You should be able to chain calls to Include together, and they should all stay populated on the object after the query. I need more information to be able to tell you why the other Includes are lost.
Mark Seemann
What information? I see in Profiler that EF construct other query and it doesn't contain defined Includes.
When I use your solution, profiler shows simple query that contains joining Invoices and InvoicePositions tables and selects only properties of Invoice.
I saw your question update, and you wrote "Position" and not "Positions" - I don't know if that's just a typo? IIRC, the string passed to the Include method must be the exact name of the Navigation Property.
Mark Seemann
I am sorry, that was just a typo.
+3  A: 

Building on Marks answer. If you do this:

var q = from i in invoices.Include("something")
        from p in i.Positions
        where p.GroupName == "Fuel"
        select i;

The include is lost (see this tip) because the EF loses all includes if the shape of the query changes, for example if you do implicit joins like in a SelectMany query, aka from from.

The workaround is to write your query, and then at the end apply the Include.

Something like this:

var q = ((from i in invoices
        from p in i.Positions
        where p.GroupName == "Fuel"
        select i) as ObjectQuery<Invoice>).Include("something");

If you do this the Entity Framework actually does the include.

Hope this helps


Alex James
Thanks for this tip. Adding Include in the end is problematic, because I use repository pattern and Includes are applied first. The middle solution (using Any()) fits me.